The Abstract Lists Query Form
The Abstract Lists Query Form provides the ability to search the ADS
abstracts database for lists of authors, synonyms of words, lists of
LPI and IAUC objects, and object aliases from SIMBAD and NED
(astrophysics dataset only).
To create a lists query, fill in any or all of the following fields
- Author Template
- Partial author names may be entered (one per line). The resulting
list will return all authors in the abstracts database which
begin with that string. Or, enter a string with a wildcard to
get authors which contain that string (e.g. "*ste*").
Note that wildcards work at the beginning or end of strings,
but not in the middle.
Also note that authors whose last names contain an umlaut may
be entered under both possible english spellings (e.g. Boehm and
Applying Soundex/Phonix rules allows the user to enter an author
name phonetically and have the server return all authors whose
names sound like the one(s) entered.
By default, the author list is returned with check boxes next
to each line to allow the user to select the names of choice
and submit a query from there.
- Synonym Matching
- This allows the user to search for synonyms of words used in the
synonym replacement of the abstracts service. The results
list will contain all synonyms for the word(s) entered in
this form.
- LPI Object Searching
- This allows the user to search the lists of LPI objects used in the
abstracts database. Partial object names may be entered
(one per line) or enter a string with a wildcard to
get objects which contain that string (e.g. "*ste*").
- IAU Object Searching
- This allows the user to search the lists of IAU objects used in the
abstracts database. Partial object names may be entered
(one per line) or enter a string with a wildcard to
get objects which contain that string (e.g. "*ste*").
- SIMBAD and NED Object Name Aliases
- This allows the user to search for aliases of an object, using the
SIMBAD or NED database. A search for an object (e.g. "m31")
will return all aliases for that object. Note that wildcard
searches are not available on these requests.
When the query has been set up to your satisfaction, press Send
to send the query.
Help on the ADS Abstract Service is available here.
More information about the ADS project is available here,
or you can send e-mail to us at