SAO/NASA ADS -> Help -> Browsing Tables of Contents
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    2.5 - Current/Unread Journals

    2.5.1 - Current Journals

    The ADS Table of Contents Query Page displays the latest volumes of selected journals. The selection of a table of contents will return all the articles within that journal volume. That results page is in the same format as when a main search query is sent. There are there are two versions of this page available: the Graphic Version or the ASCII Version.

    2.5.2 - Unread Journals

    The customized Table of Contents Query Page will only show the latest volume of the journals that you have not yet read. You can select which journals should be included on this form through the Preference Settings Form through the following steps:

    1. Select the Preference Settings Form
    2. Select the Abstract Service Preferences
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the Preferences page
    4. In the section titled Selection for Custom ToC page and last viewed journal volumes: select or unselect the journals of choice
    5. Press the Save Settings button and return to previous page

    Note: After you have set the preferences, you need to Reload all pages that may be affected by the preferences (Query forms, all results pages, and in particular the Preferences Setting page itself) to reflect the new preference settings. Sometimes a hard reload is necessary (hold down the SHIFT key while clickin on Reload). The customized Table of Contents Query Page is also available in two versions: Graphic Version or ASCII Version.

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