[SAO/NASA ADS]   Configuring Firewall Sofware to work with ADS

The instructions given below have been contributed to us by users. We have not tested nor verified the completeness and accuracy of these instructions; we provide them for your benefit without any implicit or explicit assurances.

Please note that some of these instructions involve configuring the sofware to trust content from a web site. For simplicity, the instructions have been written assuming you are accessing ADS at its main site in the US, where the hostnames are in the form *.harvard.edu. If you are accessing a different mirror site, please replace the hostname(s) as appropriate.

Norton Personal Firewall

There seem to be three different solutions to the problem:

1. Disable ad blocking alltogether:
    * open "Norton Personal Firewall"
    * click "Firewall Settings"
    * click on "Ad Blocking" 
    * choose "Turn Off" on the right

2. Remove the string "adshelp." from the list of sites whose contents are blocked:
    * open "Norton Personal Firewall"
    * click "options"
    * click "web content"
    * click "defaults"
    * click on "ad blocking"
    * enter: "adshelp." - then OK

3. Create a site-specific web content filtering rule as follows:
    * open "Norton Personal Firewall"
    * click "options"
    * click "web content"
    * click "add site"
    * enter: "adshelpabs.harvard.edu" - then OK
    * click "adshelpabs.harvard.edu" on the left hand side
    * select the "ad blocking" tab on the right
    * click "add..." under the empty, white box
    * select the "permit" option.
    * enter "adshelp." in the box.
    * OK

Norton Internet Security

This product is also affected in a similar way. We have not received step-by-step instructions but they should be similar to the ones given above.

Related Information

Help page on ad-blocking settings for Norton products

We welcome comments on these issues. If you have better or additional information on the use and configuration of firewall software please let us know.


adshelp at cfa.harvard.edu